Data & Digital Platforms: Driving Tourism Growth in Asia Pacific


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Over nine million new jobs can be created within Asia Pacific destinations over the next five years by fully embracing digital platforms and data driven innovation in the tourism sector. Travelers are increasingly using online platforms before, during and after their trips. Engaging with travellers on these trusted platforms will help businesses and destinations to gain market share, while interactions also generate data which should be used to better understand demand and drive innovation.

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Destinations and policymakers should embrace digital platforms and data-driven innovation, to drive tourism performance.

Over nine million new jobs can be created within Asia Pacific destinations over the next five years by fully embracing digital platforms and data driven innovation in the tourism sector. Travelers are increasingly using online platforms before, during and after their trips. Engaging with travellers on these trusted platforms will help businesses and destinations to gain market share, while interactions also generate data which should be used to better understand demand and drive innovation.

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